Friday I tried to schedule an eye appointment, only to find out our eye insurance is going to be gone. When I called the benefits center I was told, "many changes are coming." Isn't it strange that my husband worked 30 years, and was promised a retirement with benefits, such as health and life insurance; only to have it all taken away.
"You shall have no other gods before me." Exodus 20:3 (NIV)
Currently, America is full of, "broken promises and shattered dreams." As I think about this, I remember the broken promises we've made to God. "One nation under God," we've been doing everything under the sun except submitting to God and His will for a long time. General Motors for example, named their parts plant in Monroe LA. "Delphi." The name Delphi was the name of a Greek city, there the people consulted a false god for wisdom and help. No nation has been allowed to worship false gods and continue to exist. Obviously, major and minor companies can not either.
"With life and liberty for all," abortion, euthanism and poverty dominate our land. The rich have made sure their pantries, and lives are full. "Go on take the money and run," seem to be the laughing and scoffing corporate worlds theme song. Could someone please tell the "white house" that you can't finish stealing our money through taxes to pay for this mess?
"You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. " Exodus 20:13, 14, 15 (NIV) Remember these?
While the rich in America are thriving, the other 2/3 of American families are trying to survive.Some of our families are living in boxes, in the woods, or out of their cars. Many more will loose their homes, additional "broken dreams." Yet, I know my God is still in control; and the wrongs will be justified.
America, if you want to continue to exist, it is time to get back on track. Go back to the basics, read and apply your Bibles. Remember that little country God called "Israel." God clearly defines it's borders in the book of Judges. God has always claimed Israel as his land. The warnings are clear that Israel belongs to His people and specifically to God. Changing it's borders, and not defending Israel, would be a devastating mistake.
We have an awesome omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient God. (He is: all powerful, always present, and Jehovah knows everything that is going on.) God created us to glorify him. When you hear the question,"What is my purpose?" The answer is clear for everyone, to glorify God. Start with following his commandments.
Read Exodus 20, there you will find the 10 commandments. After that if you read through chapters 24 you will be even more enlightened. :)