
Monday, March 23, 2009

Express Your Love while You Can!

I know it's risky business to tell people you love them, but I think it's selfish to hold love and friendship back. The worst that can happen is the other person could reject you. Isn't that person the one who really looses? I think so. Everyone needs more love and encouragement. Has anyone ever died from too much love? I doubt it.

Yet, we all seem to hesitate to make the first move toward saying I love you. When Mark and I fight it hurts, and often I'm slow to hug or kiss him. After 28 years of marriage I'll smile or say a kind word first, but rarely make the move to hug or kiss him. He can only take it for so long, after a smile or a few kind words he has to hug and kiss me. I'm glad he does, I need it!

Love often is the very emotion that refuels my batteries. (My nickname in the Fisher family is "The Energizer Bunny." My sister in law told me that a few months ago. Ironically, they joked about me for several years now. "Does Mark take her batteries out when he wants her to lay down and go to sleep?" ....Well actually he does something else, and I sleep like a baby. :)

My point is this, whether it's a friend, spouse, brother or sister in Christ, or in your family please don't hold back your love. It's one of the only things we can give away, and get at least twice as much back. Hugs improve health and happiness. We may all live on little money, but true wealth is found in the gifts from God, especially love.

Read 1 Corinthians chapters 12 and 13. We all have different gifts, just as the body has many parts, But we need to do everything we do in love, because love never fails. See verse 8 in chapter 13. :) Without love we have, and are nothing.

Those of you who know me personally, I hope you know and feel my love. Consider your self hugged and very loved.