Some of you probably know that my daughter Heidi is working in Rome Italy. You probably know that there was a horrible earth quake early this morning there. That earth quake was about 45 miles north of where Heidi and Taylor are living.
My father called this morning before I seen the massive damage. I called Heid, but she was over at a friends house watching her children. Taylor told me, Heidi slept through the rumble and shaking. I'm not surprised, that's my Heid. :)
The alternator on my car went out on an express way in Louisiana. I literally, coasted into a Sears automotive shop. After 3 hours it was finally back together and running again. While I sat there with the kids I talked to the nicest older black lady. It was almost 9:00 at night when my car was finished. The repairmen told her an hour earlier that she'd have to find a way home, because they weren't even close to finishing the repairs on her car.
I offered to take her home. She said, "Oh No child, you can't take me home. A pretty little white girl like you would end up dead going down in that part of town after dark."
I felt like I was suppose to take her home. So I waited while she called several family members who all refused to go in that part of town at night. Bless her heart she began to cry. I hugged her and told her, "I'm suppose to take you home." I knew God would see us all safely through.
She was so scared for us. She fretted all the way there and sure enough when we arrived, her windows were all bored up and there was lots of "activity in the neighborhood." (Prostitution, drugs and even some shooting.) She quickly got out, but gave me her number. She wanted me to call her as soon as I got home.
As we left her house and drove down the street we ran into people shooting at each other on both sides of the street. I screamed, "Lay flat on the floor and don't get up until I tell you to!" I floored the car and went right through the shooting as fast as I could. I'm still not sure how we missed being hit.
Michael laid on the floor crying. He yelled out, "My daddy is gonna be so mad you took us down here."
Then up popped that little blond toe head Heidi. With a great big smile she said, "That was so cool, can we do it again?"
"No, get your hindy back down on that floor, right now!" She always has been my little thrill seeker. I've always loved the spice and adventure in life too. I Know as God brings me to things; He always sees me through. Fear is rarely a factor in my life. That being said, I am always concerned for my family and friends.
Please pray for Heidi as her sense of adventure does sometimes lead her to narrow escapes. God will take care of her though, I have no doubt about that. He is an awesome sovereign God!
Read Hebrews chapters 11, 12 and 13 they're Awesome! :)
"So we say with confidence, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:6 (NIV)
"May the God of peace, who through the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen" Hebrews 13:20 & 21 (NIV)
This life is not about our bodies, or our emotional needs. It's about bringing Glory and Honor to Jesus! If he asks us to do something, we need to do it. Life and Love are never boring with Jesus! :)
The picture above is: Heidi Fisher, Taylor Emonds and another friend of theirs Amber who will be in Milan shortly. Taylor and Heidi share a 2 bedroom apartment and work together. Please pray for all believers here and through out the world that God would work through and use them to bring Him glory and honor.
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