The day Heidi was born was quite an eventful day. I cleaned and scrubbed everything I could. Fixed a big meal for Mark and Michael. Somewhere around seven o'clock at night I took a shower and felt like setting down for the night. By 7:30pm the contractions in my back were hard and various.
Mark took me to the hospital, which was only a few miles away. We arrived there just after 7:45 and the nurses confirmed I was in labor. Dr. Steury was called and he arrived just in time. As he bent down to see how far I was dilated, the water burst. I'll never forget his face. He raised his head and with his hands on my knees, he said, "That's the second time you broke water on me!"
I busted out laughing. He looked like a cartoon character with water dripping from his matted hair and thick glasses. I didn't laugh for long; the contractions really were strong. I looked up in the mirror there was a beautiful crowning (The crowning is a kaleidoscope of brilliant colors just before the baby's head comes out.) Her little head popped out right after that. By 8:03 Heidi Fisher entered the world. Seven pounds, thirteen ounces of a bubbly little girl!
We were talking about giving birth in class yesterday. One guy sat there and said, "That's so groce." The truth is, Yes life is often groce, painful and messy. But I'm so happy to have experienced it and everything in it. The pains of life can sometime seem never ending. But if you're alive you will feel physical, emotional and spiritual pain sometime. As you age, you realize that if it hurts it probably still works. :)
I am glad that no matter how much it hurts all this pain in life love and the pursuit of happiness will pass and I'll step out into eternity with Jesus. No more crying there, yeah hey! :)
"To the woman He said,"I will greatly increase your pain in child bearing; with pain you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."
Genesis 3:16-17 (NIV)
Those words are so true to anyone giving birth naturally! As well as the following verse, you know what I'm talking about ladies who are married. You crave "the wild thing" but hate the way your spouse rules over you. Frankly, sometimes it's really hard to listen and do what Mark wants. Sometimes I even refuse what he asks.
God knows these things-He created us. He knows us from the inside out. He has so much compassion read Mark chapters 1 through 4
Finally, consider Philippians 3:20 (NIV). "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who by his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body."
God bless you and keep you in His will! :) The picture above is Heidi now. She'll be 26 on May 5th.
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