
Friday, April 15, 2011

Should we Reveal all our Personality Traits to each other?

God is the only constant variable in my life. At any time friends, family, home and everything else can be taken away. Because Christ is my Savior I can forever rest assured He's with me every step of the way. The peace, love and joy I've found in Christ Jesus is the single most important gift I want to share with others all the days of my life.

That being said, we all still have an ugly sin nature. When sin gets the best of me it reminds me of how thankful I am to have the Holy Spirit guiding and directing me, unless I choose to yank those reins out of God's hands. A few months ago I revealed one of those times to a friend, so she could see how sinful I can be. That revelation was overwhelming to her and did more damage than good. I simply wanted to show her the only good in me is because of Christ Jesus.

I have been labeled by counselors in the past as having post traumatic stress disorder. That "label" means that if anyone backs me into a corner, slams me with certain phrases or actions I will verbally and may physically defend myself. My reactions can be more aggressive and distasteful than few people have ever seen, or heard me do before. I'm not proud of this part of my personality, but it's there because of past horrible events. This coping defense is my mind's way of protecting my body, mind and soul.

The sin's I struggle with may not be things you struggle with at all. We are put together to help each other grow. Iron sharpens iron. Neither of us are better or worse than the other because of differences.

Please read Romans 7:14-25 I am not going to write all that here, you can read it and glean what you need from it.

"Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, on the one hand I myself am serving the law of God, but on the other, with my flesh the law of sin."

Romans 7:25 (NASB)

This verse sums it up so well!

The thought I'd like to close with is this, those inner defenses I have do have a purpose with a reason. But if I could let go and let God keep the reins during those times I could defend myself without slanderous slurs. As far as physically defending myself- there are times when it is necessary. God doesn't want us to give up and let others kill us. I am eternally grateful that God accepts me where I am today. He continues to work on and through me, in spite of my short falls.

How can we help each other if we are not honest about everything? That being said some things are better left unsaid at certain times. Acceptance and understanding along with Biblical guidance are required to help each other.
(The picture above is Heidi and Neva. Sister in laws and best friends :D )

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