Albert Einstein said,"Peace can not be obtained by force; it can only be gained by understanding." Two family members were trying to enforce family peace by bulling. The comment was made, "All I really want in my family is peace!" Yet there was no love or understanding, as she talked about the way another family member had reacted after a stressful situation.
Shouldn't we all have patience and kindness when another is under pressure and stress? I'm so glad Jesus understands us, even when family fails. God understands we will fall short and sin. When Jesus was asked, "Him how much do you love them?" He stretched out His arms and said, "This much," and took our place in eternal death, so we could have eternal life. As they hung Him on the cross He never complained. Instead He became the sinless sacrifice to purchase our sinful souls. That's Real Love.
If we have Christ in our life, I hope we will reflect His love, care and kindness when others fail to meet our standards. Compassion and kindness will go miles beyond force.
"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13