"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad your whole body will be full of darkness, how great is that darkness!" Matthew 6:22 (NIV)
I often wonder why people say or do the things they do. In fact, I specifically asked God to show me why. Those words seemed to almost glow off the page as I read them the other day during my first Chemo treatment. Wow-now that makes sense.
If a person truly isn't experiencing God, or His light he or she will not act in the light of reality , they're just doing what they know is best in the dark. Bless their heart, they can't see the damage or pain they're causing. Unless we show them that light, through love, will they ever seek the light? Not until Jesus touches their eyes and heart with sight and love.
Another book I tried to read, but fell asleep after the treatment started working, was a book called, "Walking in the Light" by Leo Tolstoy. I love that writer, he's one of my favorites! Leo was talking about how Jesus asked the disciples to give everything away and follow Him. He pointed out such a basic principle that never really hit me until the other day like a brick. Possessions bind us down with obligations to maintain them. The Less we have in Life the easier it is to be free.
Think about it every house you've owned needed to be maintained, cleaned and added bills to your expenses. Every car you've owned had to be gassed, greased and should have been serviced regularly to drive it without worry. Farms must be planted, cultivated and harvested. Boats are like cars they need maintenance to be trustworthy.
Yes, I understood those verses before, but there's a beauty in rereading verses with age and experience. The Bible never grows old or stale. It's new and practical with every day if your heart and eyes are open. God continually reveals life in a new light through His word. The images of life grow clearer with experience, God's grace and His leading.
"And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or fathers or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first." Matthew 18:29 & 30 (NIV)
Think about it-Isn't it easier to focus on people with the fewer "things" you have?
It's easier to keep your eye on the prize with less distractions. People are more important than things.
While I say this I'm looking at a dirty house that needs to be cleaned, :0 and I have about as much energy today as a popcorn fart. See if I didn't have this house-the dirt wouldn't matter to me. :D