Please accept my apologies for being away for such a long time. I truly didn't realize how long it had been, until I signed in. Honestly, I've been through so much physically and mentally, there was very little time or energy to write.
Once again my eyes seem bright white instead of blood shot. (The eyes reveal so much about the body and soul.) My stomach is working some what better-not great, but functioning better than it was. Please pray for me as I will have 3 drainage tubes until at least Jan. 20Th, 2010. And over a hundred staples that will have to be removed sometime in February. My body is so weak and sore. I'm changing wafers 8 or 9 times a day-which has created a bloody very painful skin situation on top of messes to clean up. This life is difficult to say the least, but yeah hey, My God Reigns, and has saw fit to see me through once again. Give God the glory for it is He who has done great things!
I'd like to address a topic that seems to keep popping up everywhere I go, in all walks of life, we are all dealing with it. "The Dysfunctional Family, " can we get a break from it? We all long for peace, or so we say. I don't email, call or write when I am feeling bad, generally. Frankly, there's simply not much that will change from complaining. Yet, every since I was a little girl maybe 6 or 7 my heart yearned for a peaceful family unit that simply never existed and probably never will, regardless how hard I try.
I use to think it was my fault, this dysfunctional family I came from, after all I am the reason my parents married. "The illegitimate child," the culprit of the clan. But as time has went on I know that dysfunctional is probably more common than, "normal." Are there any "normal families" out there? Although I can honestly say Mark and I have enjoyed a more normal family unit than I came from, but honestly, we didn't acheive, God did.
My father called this morning to tell me what an awful person I was for not calling him or my sister in Michigan who suffered a car accident over 20 some years ago, but still feels the need to be coddled. (Please-the only long term problems she really has is not from the car accident, but from crawling up into her own rectum so far-there's no remote light of reality. Which my parents seem all to pleased to cater too. Frankly, I'm sick and tired of hearing what a great mother she's been and a about her ultimate family. Her world is so small she still calls mommy and daddy to tell them-"Kathy is shunning me again. She didn't return my phone call yesterday. So sorry-It's been a little hard to return phone calls when I've had a butt load of financial calls to return while I was in the hospital, changing wafers and once in a while going to sleep to avoid the pain.)
In short, I'd like to remind the rest of my Christian family, there are no perfect families til we get to heaven. God the Father is the only perfect Father. He alone can take away our pain-physically, mentally and spiritually.
"And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician, but they that are sick." Luke 5:31 KJV
We all need Jesus.