Thank you for reading my blog. I will try to give you an uplifting thought or something to smile about every few days!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Adjust your sails and press on!: Stay Young at Heart
Adjust your sails and press on!: Stay Young at Heart: "Mark started a different shift yesterday, which allowed me to work in the yard until almost 9:30 last night. It was so nice to get out the..."
Stay Young at Heart

Mark started a different shift yesterday, which allowed me to work in the yard until almost 9:30 last night. It was so nice to get out there and dig in the dirt, transplant roses to new areas and enjoy the company of so many wonderful neighbors. I love it when people just stop to visit. I especially enjoy the little children.
Children just give you a refreshing out look on the simplest pleasures of life! Do you remember picking dandelions as a child? Emily, one of my little neighbors reminded me of that joy. She carefully walked around my yard selecting the fuzzy "perfect ones" as she called them. She'd gently pick each one inspect it for perfection and carry it around until the wind caught it and disfigured it, then she'd go find another one to pick.
As a child I loved picking the "dead heads" as I called them and blowing the fuzz off. I made chains, necklaces and rings out of their hollow stems. Steph and I could spend all afternoon decorating life with our special treasures from dandelion stems. One time we even made "lace curtains" from a bunch of those stems for our play house, which was really nothing more than a sunken living room in the middle of our woods.
I'm so thankful for the presence of little children in my life. Their honesty, gentleness and out look on simplicity should be brought back to life in adults. We need to live and love with sincere passion, like we did as children. Actually, being around people of all ages is what I really enjoy. Older people have gleaned so much knowledge, who can't learn from one who has lived longer? People my age share many of the same triumphs and trials. But a child can simply put life back into it's proper perspective. God has put so many details into life. I hope we can always learn and grow from the beginning, until the day or evening we exit this life, don't you?
"At that time the disciples came to Jesus and said, "Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" And He called a little child to Himself and set him before them, and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in heaven. And whoever receives one such child in My name, receives Me; but whoever causes one of these little ones who believes in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:1-6 (NASB)
"Wisdom is with aged men, With long life is understanding."
Job 12:12 (NASB)
"A friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity."
Proverbs 17:17 (NASB)
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