An old friend from high school called me last night. What a unique blessing every dear friend is to me. They encourage, help and even when I'm at my worst, like God they always love me. Of all the treasures on this earth, my friends and favorite relations are the best! The way Christ binds us together is a forever bond that needs to be treated as a rare gift. Wrap your mind around that; because we are Family in Christ we can enjoy fellowship with Him and each other forever! That's a love relationship worth sharing and maintaining don't you think?
So how can we maintain those Christian bonds?
First we need to maintain and save our primary devotion to Jesus by studying and following what the Bible advises daily. Walk closely to God in prayer and meditation. When we fail short we need to ask forgiveness and stop performing the sin. Recognize the warning signs of trouble. The Holy spirit will prompt you, God hates sin, but you have to consciously change what is coming. Sometimes it's necessary to get away from from the temptation, aggravation or thought. Because I have a short fuse, and certain areas of temptation have to do this often.
If you've sinned against someone else you need to apologize, do not wait for them to come to you. In some situations, it's best to shake the dirt off your shoes and severe the relationship. Some relationships can not be restored because there will never be common ground again. Relationships with nonbelievers can begin on shaky ground that will crumble, unless Christ becomes the foundation, they are not likely to withstand the tests and trials of time.
Encourage one another with positive thoughts in Christ. There are so many positive things in our lives. Even in the worst of times we all can find positive things to think about and share with other believers. Everyone needs Son shine in their life. :) I have so many wonderful people who will send a card, or just call me, just when I need it the most. I wonder if they know how much I appreciate their wonderful love and friendship? Little things like that make bad days so much brighter, God bless you and keep you always. You know I love you, too.
Hugs and a kiss on the cheek are such a blessing for both people involved. Please, don't be stingy with your love, it will come back to you at least three times over. Love eases so many heart aches.
Finally, you must always keep an open mind and heart. Forgive often, so many times things are over looked, misrepresented by a look, lack of thankfulness or just postponed, unintentionally. Life can get so busy we all often feel swept away by the "have to things in life." (You know- the cleaning, fixing and maintaining we must do things in life.) It doesn't mean we didn't want to, there simply isn't enough time for everything we want to.
Sometimes when people are sick it's so hard to accomplish the simplest of things. The will is there, but the body or mind can't muster the strength to accomplish the simplest tasks. Chemo has really taught me this-some days I barely muster the gumption to get meals and dishes done for Mark. It's frustrating to be so weak and tired, but it's where God has put me for now, so I have to find the good in weakness, does that make sense? Sometimes I just spend the day being held in God's grace close to His face. It's so warm and cozy there, but little gets done around here. The blogs aren't written, and some of the have to's are not even done. Like a bride preparing to spend eternity with her groom, even this time has it's place, covered in His grace. :D
"Brothers we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord,will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven,with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words."
1st Thessalonians 4:13-18 (NIV)
With everything that is happening in this world today-riots, chaos, destruction, wars and more rumors of war, is there any doubt that Jesus return will happen soon? There shouldn't be any doubt; are you ready, or will you be left behind? Make sure your soul is secure in Christ Jesus. If you're unsure Please contact me, I will help you make sure you are ready today.