The pastor spoke about Paul's "thorn in the flesh" on Sunday. If you take the time to read Second Corinthians chapter 12 you'll get a lot out of it. I was thinking about Paul asking God to take his pain away.
You know Paul was taken to heaven prior to this affliction, (the first few verses of chapter 12 talk about this.) I set there thinking about that. The Bible doesn't say what he specifically ask for. While we were living in LA I became very sick. After my fever climbed above 106 degrees, I went into a semi comma state. For three days, they said I just slept. While I slept, my soul went to heaven. It was awesome, more than mere words, or pictures can describe.
Do you suppose Paul asked God to take him permanently out of this world to heaven? Did he beg God to remove the pain or take his Earthly life? Have you ever been there, and done that? I have, more than once.
Before you think the worst of me, put yourself in my shoes. Imagine just for a minute, pure ecstasy visiting heaven. You do not miss your life on earth at all. Jesus is almost close enough to touch, and you see all the awesome colors deep in the river that flows from the thrown of God like I did. (If you want confirmation of what I'm talking about :) see Revelation chapter 22:1-7. Just wait and see it's awesome!
If you had been there; would you want to come back to sickness and worldly flaws? If you think you would, your a much tougher person than I am. In fact, sometimes I still cry because I'd rather be there, present with my Lord and absent from this body. Yet, I am comforted in knowing that His grace is sufficient for what I need in every situation. What He lets me go through, He personally sees me through.
"But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power will rest on me." Second Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)
Like Paul, I can relate, there have been so-so many times I fail in this flesh, but I can rise victoriously in Christ! Paul was far from the only person who felt and knew this. See Hebrews chapter 11 and 12, especially chapter 12 verses 1-3.
It has been said we are living in the end days. :) I believe we may be. Hang on, it's gonna be a fast and furious ride! Until then endure whatever is laid before you in every circumstance, with joy and peace. Jesus will see you through it, if he brings you to it! Let him hold you, because when you can't do anymore He can do awesome things through and with you. Finally, there are some awesome words of encouragement in Revelation 3:14-21.
Real wealth is not found in materials or money, true wealth is when God opens your eyes and heart to see the treasures you need to lay up in heaven. Remember you are living in a temporary world, preparing you for a permanent eternity.
"I counsel you to buy from me gold, refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline, so be earnest and repent. Here I am, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." Revelation 3:18-20 (NIV)