They seem like such simple words to say to the lady who housed your tiny body until you were born. Some of you like my children nursed off that same body after they were born. Yet that was just the beginning of a life long commitment to nourish, love and cherish.
Then I look at my own mother and know she has sacrificed herself to the point of loosing simple basic dreams to motherhood. She's given and taken things no woman should have to endure to keep her family together. There's no way I could ever repay, or love her enough.
Mark took me to the botanical gardens in Athens this afternoon. It was so interesting to watch the young and older mothers out with their children of all ages. Mothers never stop loving or giving.
It makes me sad to think how some people treat their mothers. They don't think twice about the fact that God joined their bodies, with the parents they were given for a reason. God had a purpose in placing you in the family you are in.
I hope you love and Cherish the family you have. On given days it is wise to honor and share your love with those family members. If you can't find love in your heart for someone in your family, I pray you will. All to soon you will or they will look at you in a casket, only to regret the I love yous and thank yous that were not shared.
"Listen, my son to your fathers instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck." Proverbs 1:8 & 9 (NIV)
If you're one of those Mom's dreading Mother's Day. I understand Your pain. Keep doing your best. Maybe one day they will wise up, and learn how important it is to say, and show their love.
Mom check out Proverbs chapter 31:10-31 if you're doing all these things then there is probably not much more you can do. Please let your family know, and feel your love. Maybe we should express those feelings on paper, or in person even if it is uncomfortable. Change can not always take place without confrontation.