The morning glories on my back porch remind me how much we should keep our heart where it belongs-with God. When they're watered well the grow and spread so very fast. When I fail to check on them they tend to head directly for everything they shouldn't like my yellow roses. Growing side by side they look great, but when they becme intwined well life isn't so divine. In fact-they will choke the roses to death, if they're allowed to just keep wraping their vines around the rose stems.
My life can be like that. As long as I allow the Holy Spirit toguide and direct me I will stay on track, but sometimes I just head off in the wrong direction and keep going, until God gently prods me back to His track. I'm very thankful for the Holy Spirit aren't you?
Yellow roses and deep lavander morning glories look and grow great together as long as their is respect for each others growing space. Christian relationships are like that too. We all need our time and space alone with God. It's great to grow together as long as the Holy Spirit guides and directs our paths.
"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to rememberance all that I have said to you. Do not let your heart be troubled , nor let it be fearful." John 14:26 (NASB)