I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about what Christ had to go through for us. You know there had to be a tremendous amount of love and longing for intimacy with us. Not only did He stretch out His arms and say I love you this much to die, the betrayal of all twelve disciples had to mentally crush His heart. (They denied they knew him, and scurried like scarred dogs.)
I've lived through some difficult physical circumstances, but I can endure physical pain with love and emotional support. Do you need love and support through trying times? Often love and emotional bonds with God, and others are my only sustenance for survival.
So many passages are flipping through my head this morning, there's no way I'll be allowed to write them all out, so please print this and take the time to go over them when you're alone, or with your family and God. I know He'll appreciate and bless you for taking the time to appreciate His love and sacrifice for you.
Think about the night before the crucifixion. (Mark 14:17-51) Jesus asks His closest friends to go with him to the garden of Gethsemane. His feet must have felt physically weak and weighed down, but his heart felt the the betrayal he knew was coming from his dearest friends. He asked them to keep watch and pray while he spent time alone with God the Father; they fell asleep. Imagine sweating drops of blood fromemotional and mental pain. As you return your closest friends are snoring, and at peace as you face your final physical hours on earth.
Once again, Jesus wakes them, and asks them to pray for their own spiritual welfare, but again he returns to slumbering weak followers. (Remember, Jesus is also God, part of the trinity, so He knew all that was coming.) Peter was one of his closest friends.
"Peter declared, Even if all fall away I will not."
"I tell you the truth, Jesus answered, today-yes tonight-before the rooster crows twice you will deny me three times." Mark 14:29-30 (NIV)
And sure enough, as the cock crowed the second time, Peter had denied he knew who Christ was. Can you feel the pain? Imagine Peter's guilt and shame as he caught Christ's eyes.
Until, Jesus stretched out his arms and endured death on that cross, you and I had no way to God the Father. The blood of spotless animals was used for a sin offering. Believers had to go to a high priest with a sin offering, and confession to the priest. If the priest, who took the offerings of sacrifice into the holy temple was unclean, he died. Mere men always have the sin factor. There isn't one of us who can even come close to God's measure of righteousness without Christ's shedding of blood. These priest went into the holy temple with a rope around their leg. If they had any sin in their life, the Spirit of God killed them for entering. Needless to say a lot of dead priests.
(Read Matthew chapters 26-28) Jesus Christ endured and over came so much for us. He was the only sinless perfect sacrifice that would be the final payment once and for all for our sins, if we want a relationship with God the father.
"And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split." Matthew 27:50 & 51 (NIV)
That curtain was torn for a reason, you and I can go directly to God the Father for forgiveness. We are all equal and accountable to God. He wants your love, devotion and soul. He literally spilt his blood, and broke His body for you. Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father and an eternal life in heaven after you die. Like Jesus, your spirit will leave your body when you die.
Open arms, and an ultimate sacrifice are awesome, but most of us need even more. As Jesus was dying Luke recorded a very emotional side of Jesus. "Jesus called out with a loud voice, Father into your hands I commit my spirit. when he had said this, he breathed his last." Luke 23:46 (NIV)
When you're physically, mentally or spiritually beat what do you do?
I am reminded of an incident a few years ago. I had been betrayed by a friend at work. I was talking to my boss about the incident and I began crying. She felt my pain. She said she'd just like to give me a hug before we parted.
As her warm arms wrapped around my shoulders I remember hugging her so tight. It felt so good to feel love and understanding. I felt like a melting snow cone on a hot day. As she began to release me I begged her, "Could you just hold me, just for a minute?"
She graciously did. I knew she knew how much I needed her love and friendship; I still do. We all need certain people and love in life, God designed us, it's healthy to want to give and be loved. Stop fighting it, love is the best blessing in life!
As Jesus spirit went into His Fathers arms how long do you think they embraced? More importantly, it gave Jesus the courage and strength to go down and stomp Satan's head in hell. Hard enough he bruised his heel.
It's always so good when the hard things in life are over. No more, it's finished, I'll never have to do that again. Jesus felt it too.
"This is what I told you while I was still with you: everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.
Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. he told them, This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all the nations beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses to these things." Luke 24: 44-48 (NIV)
After that God sent the holy spirit to guide and direct us. :) And soon Jesus will be coming back to take us Home, but that's for another day!
It's hard to understand why Good Friday is rarely observed. No other name under heaven was given that we might be saved. Thank you for spending time with me thinking about the ultimate sacrifice. God bless and keep you and may He make His face Shine upon you! Kathy