When I was eleven I was "saved." That was the coolest day of my life, in so many ways. Those first few steps up the church isle, my feet felt like lead, but the closer I came to the pastor, I was almost running. I remember Pastor Shepherd's arms opening wide, as he scooped me up. (I had been a regular visitor at his house for over a year before. Often interrupting his Sunday afternoon naps, dew to joking and giggling with his girls.) So many of my New Beginnings in Christ were at Lincoln Avenue Baptist Church in Ionia Michigan.
I remember asking Jesus to forgive me of my sins and come into my heart. I sobbed because I knew my sin caused His death. But after I was forgiven and asked Him to come into my heart; I remember feeling like hot bubbles were filling my insides. I smiled a lot after that, and Mr. Reinhart nick named me Son Shine. Some of those same people still call me that today. Although many of them have gone "Home," as the years quickly passed.
One of the most memorable ladies in the church was Sophie Ranger. She intimidated me, but I respected her. She was the pianist, who loved to play. She loved this song called, "One Day." I'm sure some of you know it. I remember Sophie bouncing around pumping those pedals with her feet, and her hands wildly pounding, as we sang along. She'd often glance back with a big smile. As teenagers, some of us got a big kick out of watching her.
Sophie passed away two Sundays ago, sometime just before Sunday School usually starts. I couldn't help, but think what a wonderful day that must have been for her. Sophie had a nine year old daughter who loved Jesus. Janet was riding her bike, not a block from where she lived on M-44 in Belding Michigan, one day after school. She was probably singing and smiling she went along. A driver coming home from work was temporarily blinded by the sun. That lady never seen Janet; and Janet probably didn't see her. The car hit Janet and she died.
As Sophie was absent from the body and present with the Lord, I'm sure Janet was one of the first to hug her, Momma. I'm sure that was the best Sunday morning worship service they enjoyed together! There's a peace that surpasses all understanding in knowing Jesus. I hope you have it!
I was singing that song outside today. In the chorus it talks about all the basics of Salvation. So many verses flood my head again today. They're so good print this off and look them up God will bless you with them, I promise!
The following in orange are the words in the chorus. Go ahead sing it if you want to! I still love that old song, and sing it sometimes in the shower! Aren't you glad you don't live with me? ;)
Living He loved me (Read Mark 12: 29-33)
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26 (NIV) How true!
Dying He saved me. "For the wages of sin death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 6:23 (See Psalms 68: 20 too)
Buried He carried my sins far away As you asked Jesus to forgive your sins those sins were buried with Him, if you were baptized, as you went under the water that represented death to sin. They're no longer part of you. Live and act pleasing to Christ Jesus. (See Romans 6:4)
Rising He Justified Freely Forever Just as Christ died, was buried and rose again so you too shall do, unless he returns before you die. You must be born again though, accept Christ as your Savior if you want to go to heaven. You will go to either Heaven or Hell depending on your relationship with Christ, forgiveness and allowing the holy ghost to guide and direct your life.
(See 1 Corinthians 15: 35-42)
One day He's coming, Oh Glorious Day! The books of Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation all talk about His Return. I think were living in the "last days." Are you ready? I'll be glad to pray with you if you're not. Email me, and I'll call you.
Happy Easter!! kathlenefisher@yahoo.com
Here are a few more verses if you'd like to look them up: Forgiveness Matthew 26:28 Luke 24:47 Faithfulness to God: 1 Corinthians 4:2
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12 The same Lord who began a good work in you will complete it!