"He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver." Malachi 3:3 (NIV)
Today was a beautiful day in GA. In fact I went outside to weed around my flower beds all afternoon. I love these days of weeding, it gives me time to weed my life's garden while I'm on my knees. :)
While I was out there a friend down the street came down, and we were able to take a nice break and catch up on life, since this cold old winter. We talked for quite a while about all the changes that seem to be taking place so quickly now. She expressed her concerns about the abortions, euthanizing the elderly and stem cell research with embryos. Sharon is in her early 60's and she has so many great qualities. For example, she's a retired school teacher who is thrilled to be home schooling two of her grandchildren.
While I was outside, I heard children laughing and playing. I seen a lot of my other neighbors, who like my husband are retired, but very active and full of life. I often wonder who in their right mind would want to kill unborn children, older people or anyone because of an illness or disability? God never made junk. We all have value and worth in God's eyes. We need to appreciate and value each other.
There are so many people I love as family and friends. God has richly blessed me with both. One lady in particular was really on my mind today, Geraldine Christensen, she is a saint! Geraldine has taught my husband and my kids in Sunday School. I had the privilege of teaching with her when we lived in Michigan for a few years. Geraldine has been my friend and a lady who has helped, prayed and been someone I truly look up to. I love her dearly. I can't tell you how wonderful and understanding she has always been. She's older now and it's so hard for her to get around, but bless her dear sweet soul, she has volumes to teach people. God is still working through and with her. It's been such a privilege, and a treasure to know and love her.
My point is, God will put everyone of us through some very fiery furnaces in life. Geraldine has lost her husband, has a daughter with cancer, and she has many health problems. Yet she never complains, she just keeps growing closer to God. May we all consider the fact we are not here to play God. We were sent here to glorify God. Endure His tests, enjoy His love and Grow until it's time to go home! :) Glow as you go through the fires.