Yesterday was just an ominous day at Emory. Before I even sat down in the waiting room I was greeted by another gaging patient who had just had a "NG" tube put in in the bathroom. Bless her heart she was gagging for all she was worth. NG tubes are horrible- I've had a few of those insertions myself. If you're awake, when the doctor inserts them, it is especially horrible.
(A "NG" tube is a small flexible tube that is inserted through your nose, runs through your esophagus down to your stomach. It is used to empty the contents of your stomach, it's inserted when they want you to stop throwing up. Which seems very crude, obviously it's easier to throw up rather than blow chunks through a tube out your nose. However, it does stop that gastric upheaval.)
As I entered the waiting room the mood became even darker. The atmosphere reminded me of what a concentration camp must have felt like-many skinny bodies with long sad faces, some balding from toxic chemicals. Some how I manage to stay on the plump side. Obviously ice cream and your prayers are the answer! Bet you're not surprised! I've always loved both. :) For a moment, I felt like bolting out of there, but I quietly sat down instead.
After my IV was started I learned that the research oncologist who was working on a cure for Crohn's had slipped into eternity last Saturday. She too, had lost the battle with cancer, leaving her husband and 10 year old son behind. Please pray for this family and the grieving staff at Emory. Her positive disposition, friendship and dedication to her work will all be missed by the staff and patients at Emory.
Christians are Not immune to disease, death or sorrow. Jesus never promised to spare our lives from these things. Why should He? Jesus himself gave up his life to pay for our eternal life.
Sin isn't always the culprit for these events either! Christian, as long as you experience a physical life- you will experience a physical death, unless Jesus comes back first. Jesus has promised to be with you through it all, if you've accepted Him. This life is not always going to be a jolly fun ride. The world watches our actions and reactions to every tragedy and triumph. Can they see Jesus being glorified in every event?
Glean as much wisdom as you can from the Bible and take Jesus hand, and hold on tight. Life is a wild ride, but it's ALWAYS better with Jesus by your side.
Sometimes He calms the Storm, but more often He calms His child and goes through the storm with them. Either way you're gonna be okay. One day we will wake up in heaven with perfect minds and bodies. At that point we may even appreciate the struggles because they brought us closer to Christ. Can you praise Him during the sad as well as the glad times?
Father, help us hold tight in the darkest of our nights. Thank you for riding the storms and carrying us close in the worst of times.
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face to shine on you,
And be gracious to you.
The Lord lift up His countenance on you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV)
"In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He searches the hearts knows what the mind of what the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
AND we know that God causes all things to work together for the good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
Romans 8: 26-28 (NIV)
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done-not ours, Lord Jesus.