"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:12 & 13 (NIV)
Yesterday I was reminded again how important this verse is in my life. At the ripe old age of 48, I am back in school. Satan tried to defeat me as early as the night before. After tossing and turning, I finally fell asleep four hours before the alarm went off.
Most of my things were packed and ready to roll the night before. As I drank my coffee and shoveled my Cheerios I asked God for wisdom, clarity and grace to get through my first day. In the shower I asked for peace and a helpful attitude toward others who may encounter a stressful day, little did I know how stressful my day was about to become.
By the time I reached Athens my head felt like it was splitting from a horrible headache, so I stopped in a gas station to buy something for that. I quickly grabbed a small package; I'm so glad I took that second glace at the box. It was Tylenol PM. :) (Can you imagine sleeping and probably snoring to the high heavens on your first day of class? Imagine the professors first impression of a snoring older student.) The gas station attendant sold me a $8.47 small bottle of Extra Strength Tylenol. Shortly after that I pulled into Athens Tech, just in time to say, "adios" to the headache. Yeah Hey :)
As I lowered my rolling bag to the ground, I noticed I was pretty wet around my stomach. I really didn't think much of it, because I had put on a fresh dry pouch on just after my shower. It was probably just water from the water bottle. I strolled into the building and found my class. I had plenty of time so I ran to the bathroom. Lovely, as I pulled my pants down, everything was soaked in wet poo. The "fresh pouch" had a pin hole in it somewhere. Fortunately, there was enough time to clean up and put myself back together before the class ever started.
While I was cleaning up, Satan was throwing his jeers, " What do you think you're doing? Going to school at this age and in this condition; ha I doubt you'll last the day?
By this point I blew a cork, "You are absolutely right! I am too old, probably too stupid and weak to do this myself, but with Christ in me I can do all things, and Damn it I will!"
Actually, the rest of my day was a blast! Once I remembered I can and will do whatever God asks me to do. In myself I am NOTHING, but in Him I have everything I need to get through whatever this life throws at me.
Please pray for me; I continue to pray for and love you.
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