God's goodness and kindness never seems to end. What a wonderful friend we have in Jesus. Yesterday I had the privilege of sharing part of the afternoon with a friend from school and her daughter. You can't imagine how wonderful it was to have a child in the house again! Children absolutely usher in a whole new warm light into a home. They remove the sterile atmosphere with silly giggles, warm smiles and honest thoughts-that are absolutely refreshing and so close to heaven!
What a blessing to share time with my teacher and friend and her daughter. Why does the time have to go so fast when we're having fun? Still, I can't imagine the sadness of life, if we didn't have the assurance that one day so much sooner than we can imagine, that we'll gather at the river on heavens blissful shore, with our ultimate friend-Jesus. As wonderful as youth is, it quickly passes and only what's done for Jesus in love will last.
Remember the butterfly I encountered on an early, cold Spring day? The one that stayed on my open hand, until I brought it in out of the cold. The one that lived in my office, for over a week, until it warmed up outside. This afternoon, one that looked just like that same butterfly was on my back porch. Somehow she was caught on her back lying on her wings, in the rain.
Fall is in the cooling rain and air in GA. This butterfly was at the end of its life span today. I gently put my index finger above its legs, and it grabbed on. Slowly it crawled across my finger and into my open hand. Each step felt as if it was gently kissing me good bye. It's once beautiful body looked so tattered and torn, the back lower right wing had a big piece missing. But she stoped just before climbing up my wrist, fluttering just a little, then she flew off. Life is awesome we never know how long it will last, but our Creator Sustainer spurs us on with wonderful lessons in life and love.
If you have a minute jot your blessings down. Share them with others. In fact, I would love to hear about your adventures, blessings and even your trials. Let people into your life; we're not meant to live solitude lives without God or others.Love is a wonderful thing, share it, give it and accept it from others.
" 11With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. 12We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. " 2 Thessalonians1:11&12 (NIV)
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13 (NIV)
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