"You my brothers, were called to be free. But, do not use your freedom to indulge in sinful nature; rather serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." If you keep biting and devouring each other, watch out or you'll be destroyed by each other."
Galatians 5:13-15 (NIV)
Face book can be a fun thing to look at and catch up with and keep in contact with all kinds of people from your past, present, some use it to meet new people. But it can also be a way of damaging integrity, or slandering another person if it's used negatively. When these things happen, it would be very easy to retaliate. My sin nature is quick to respond, but what good is there in repaying a slur out of anger?
I'm still working on my temper. Sometimes I just have to walk away from situations. One day I'd like to respond to the negatives in life like Jesus, silent and still loving. To be able to love a slanderer enough to die for them-that's real love.
Guess it's best to look beyond the moments in a negative situation and remember there are good things about that person as well. The negative side is distasteful and ugly in our personalities, that's another reason not to express it. Sometimes that response will be enough to correct the other person anyway.
Read Matthew 27. It amazes me that even after all the cruel slurs, beating and tournament Jesus still died for our sins because He loved us that much. That is real Love.
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