"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them upon your children.Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
Deuteronomy 6:6 & 7 (NIV)
"Jesus said,"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
I was thinking about how wonderful, and enjoyable it was living with and watching my children as they grew up. I often wonder how the time slipped away so fast. They're both grown and gone and it's back to just Mark and I again. I miss the laughter, questions and love.
It's amazing how entertaining a big ole box can be to a child. Large empty boxes always provided more fun and imagination than any toy ever could at our house. Large empty boxes became anything from a space ship to major live in doll house. These boxes were used until every last ounce of life was gone from them, never thrown away unless the dog peed in them, or they were totally exhausted from imagination.
I always enjoyed reading to the kids so we usually read a chapter or two from a children's story like, "Willows in the Wind" and of course "Charlotte's Web," in the afternoon. (We read both books at least 5 times) Then at night we read one Bible story before bed. As interesting as the Children's Stories were, they never provoked the thoughts and pondering that the Bible Stories did. Both Michael and Heidi asked several questions before going to sleep, then often woke up with comments or questions from the same Bible story.
Don't you think if a child shows an interest in certain things like Science, Math, Geography, or any other field you should also try to help them grow in those areas? Mark & I were never rich, but we found ways to subscribe to National Geographic because Heidi loved Geography. She is my little traveler. We subscribed to Popular Mechanic and Science Magazines because Michael loved taking things apart and putting them back together. They both loved Science, but so do Mark and I. Michael is finishing up an Engineering degree on a full scholarship.
But of all the things I encouraged my children to do, I hope more than anything, I always encouraged a good relationship with God. Putting Him first in their lives and loving Jesus with all their mind, body and soul. A right relationship with God will give you the best foundation in life.
Now my friend I hope you have a good relationship with God. If your relationship with Him is lacking in any way, it's okay, He is very forgiving and loving . He wants you back, close to His side, talk to Him and make your relationship with God the best it can be. Being close to Jesus is the happiest place to be.
(The picture above is my niece Emy showing her niece how to be kind to a baby bunny.)
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