You know I've always found sexuality in individuals very interesting. My daughter Heidi has said I could be the next Dr. Ruth. Well...I wouldn't go quite that far.
Saturday was an interesting day after working with my husband to replace a faucet he broke, we also spent several hours repairing a leaking drain under the kitchen sink. Needless to say frustration of every kind had set in by 3:30. So when my homosexual neighbor stopped in my front yard to let his Akita (sort of like a miniature horse, but a dog) take a healthy dump in my front yard, you could say the poo hit the fan! This frustration escalated when I asked Mark to please address it this time, but he refused. An hour went by, the mail man came, and I stepped outside to go get the mail. Finally, I felt a little relief from Satan's semingly endless hurls. Ah, but he was obviously watching and no doubt laughing. Bouncing back and basking in the sweet sunshine, who should a peer? Well it wasn't Santa Clause and his eight tiny rein deer! Of course, Satan's next hurl, The super pouper and his beloved master.
So much for lowering my blood pressure, it shot probably higher than before. I marched right back out there. "Ray, I've told you nicely at least four times; now I'm gonna say it bluntly...." Out of better judgement and a clearer mind I'm not gonna repeat all the nastiness that came out, let's just say I completely lost my testimony for Christ. In fact, the guilt was so bad I couldn't make myself go to church on Sunday, because I felt like a hypocrite.
This fight was so bad that before we were finished Ray threatened to kill my 25 pound dog because his 200 pound minature horse/dog couldn't take dump anymore without me being a certain "B" word according to Ray. I called him a fagot, then the final icing on this huge cake came when he picked up dog poop, and threw it at me. He said I should shove that "S" up certain part of my anatomy. To that I went back into the house, and called the police instead of beating the living fesses out of him. Now tell me, could you have went to church the next morning? If you could of, well then you're certainly a better Christian than I am.
Ironically, I've tried so hard to befriend Ray and his "partner." You can hate the sin, but God asks us to love the person. I've really tried, but frankly I'm so tired of trying to befriend someone who tries to promote his homosexual agenda to even the youth in my neighborhood. If my kids were at an impressionable age right now, I would have already have cleaned his clock last summer, when I heard him telling a group of preteens how cool and wonderful homosexuality is. Have you ever met a happy homosexual? I have not. There's a reason why we haven't- homosexuality is a sin. Is anyone truly happy after they sin? NO-all sinners, hello that's every living soul, feels the pain of sin.
Homosexuality is not cool, or even satisfying. God created us male and female for a reason. Intersecting parts fit best, and together they make babies. Because it takes the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual dynamics of both a man and a woman to raise and nurture a child. Not a double dose of the same sex for balance in life and family.
That being said, I truly admire the people who struggle with homosexual feelings, but choose to stay celibate. We all have temptations in different areas of our lives. I thank God for forgiveness of sins and the Holy spirit to help deliver us from all temptations when we call on Him.
"Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death." 2ND Corinthians 7:10 (NIV)
"for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God,and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ. God presented Him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood." Romans 3:23-25 (NIV)
1 comment:
That has to be a really tough situation. We have a neighbor that is rude and obnoxious as well. I find broken beer bottles and cigarette butts in my yard each summer! After much frustration, I've decided not to let them get to me.I even try to pray for them on occasion...but it ain't easy!!!! Sometimes I think that when God told us to "love our neighbor" he had no idea who he was talking about! LOL!
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