"Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father."
Colossians 3:17 (NASB)
So many of you have called, or wrote today wondering if we survived the storms that riped across Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee yesterday. Thank you for your prayers and concerns. Our family which is spread all over the nation has been kept by God so far. But I have absolutely No doubt He will take each of us as our time on earth ends. Please pray for the families who have lost their homes, jobs and even loved ones during these trying times.
We serve a Living Awesome God. He is not dead, but in fact rides on every storm we face in life. Think about all the major earth changes we have seen in the past couple of years, consuming earth quakes, tsunamis that have swallowed thousands of lives in vast walls of water, lightening strikes that ignite fires, and now tornadoes that reach ten miles into the atmosphere and are a mile across that blow lives completely apart.
There has never been so many Warning Signs from heaven.
God seems to be pleading, "I Am Coming Back For You Soon; Are You Ready?
I Love You, But I'm tired of your unfaithfulness to me. I want to be the center of your life, but you continue to ignore me. What will it take to get your attention?"
169 devastating tornadoes riped through the South yesterday. Many were labeled F4, which meant they were over 169 mph. some were even F5 which means they were over a mile wide and rotated over 200 mph. There are still people missing, at least their bodily forms are missing. The creator-our sustainer, knows where their souls are, either in heaven or hell.
As I sat looking into a baby blue calm sky today, I wondered, how many people I know really are prepared to enter eternity? How many of my neighbors would be in heaven if God the Father had decided last night Shepherds Crossing would be wiped off the earth? God rides all our storms in life. But He never forces His presence. People accept or reject Him.
Would you cling to Him as a giant wave took the breath from your lungs? Could you praise God if a tornado swept your helpless body into a tunnel of wind? Will you call Him your Savior and Friend if a disease like cancer slowly whittles the life out of you?
Lord Jesus, help us all to understand we are like blades of grass. We may be here today and gone tomorrow. You Lord, are the giver and keeper of life. Our bodies are not our own, but yours. Remind us and keep us close while we are in these bodies teach us to love and serve you, our Almighty Sovereign Lord. Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings flow.
"For even though I am absent in body, nevertheless I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good discipline and the stability of your faith in Christ.
Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude."
Colossians 2: 5 & 6 (NASB)
If you have been blessed to have accepted the Son of God-Jesus Christ as your personal savior, share Him with others. You are the light in a dark world, those you love, or care about need our savior too. Would any of us want our loved ones to spend eternity separated from God?
(The picture above is some orange blossoms and roses I picked from my back yard. Imagine towns around you being wiped off the earth, but most of the roses in my back yard were still in tact this morning. How can anyone doubt God's power or love?)