Imagine the mental anguish Jesus must have endured before they even lead Him away to be hung on the cross.
"When He arrived at the place, He said to them, "Pray that you may not enter into temptation." Luke 22:40 (NIV)
Then Jesus went into the garden to pray to God the Father. Have you ever felt spiritual pain and sadness? He knew what He was going to have to go through. He dreaded it, but knew it had to be completed because of our sin. Imagine how you would have felt as you approached the sleeping disciples.
"When He rose from prayer, He came to the disciples and found them sleeping from sorrow, and said to them, "Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray that you may not enter into temptation." Luke22:45 and 46 (NIV)
What did Jesus find more painful- the betrayal of beloved friends or the anguish of the cross? For me, the betrayal would have hurt far more than the physical pain. Why couldn't the disciples stay awake and pray as Jesus had asked?
Yesterday, God opened my eyes, we all may have betrayed Him. Depression, physical and mental fatigue and other simple weaknesses weaken our abilities to perform the simplest tasks for our most beloved friends and family. It's so easy to be critical of others, until our eyes are opened to the reality of human weakness.
I have an old friend from high school. This girl is the spitting image of loyalty, devotion and just all the qualities in life Christ Jesus has asked us to be. I don't know too many more people who are so loving and devoted. If Martha asked me to do something for her I think I'd jump, and do it.
A while ago, she fell on the ice, cut her leg open and was pretty banged up. I haven't been on face book much- just have been too tired and not feeling like it. I didn't know Martha had fell until I seen it on Face Book. She felt totally betrayed by many, because no one really said much about her fall.
Were the disciples mentally exhausted from the news that Jesus was going away? I'm sure they were-none of it made sense. Why was He talking about suffering and His body being broken and poured out for them? (See Luke 18:31-33 and Luke 22:14-23)
Then Jesus asks them something so simple, to stay awake and pray. They failed and so did I. Something so simple, yet I was tired weak and never even knew. I'm thankful for a forgiving Savior and friends and family who love me in spite of my short comings.
All of God's children are favored in His eyes. We need to remember that our brothers and sisters in Christ, are His beloved children. Yes I know the following verses are abut a "child,' but you are God's child-right?
"Whoever receives this child in My name receives Me, and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent me; for the one who is least among all of you, this is the one who is great." Luke 9:47and 48 (NIV)
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