"Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to." Deuteronomy 15:10 (NIV)
I wish you could have seen what I saw yesterday out my office window. As I set there drinking my coffee, and looking over Internet mail; a little girl, walked by with her Momma. Her momma was pushing her baby sister in a stroller. Bella is a delightful, three year old, who loves flowers.
In my front yard there's a small "island" where an angel statue sits on a bench and some miniature roses grow. Every since Bella was just a baby she has loved those pink roses. As her parents pushed her in the stroller, Bella turned her little head as if she was memorizing every detail of those flowers.
Yesterday, Bella trailed behind her momma, clutching her baby doll. Suddenly her little legs turned around, and ran back to the pink rose bush. First, she sniffed them. Then one of those cute little chubby hands reached up to pick one.
"Bella, stop, come here right now!" Bella's little hand disappointingly and slowly went down. There she stood, just admiring all that pink. Reluctantly and soberly, she walked back to her momma.
I hate it that people feel like they shouldn't be in my yard.(But I still don't want other dogs pooping in my yard.) I'd rather neighbors and friends were comfortable enough to just walk up, and enjoy the flowers, like Bella did.Why is so much of the joy in life is taken from us in childhood? Shortly after that I picked Bella a whole bouquet of roses and gardenias from my yard and took them to her house.
Her little eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as she said, "Oh wow!" Then she hugged her momma and said, "I love flowers." We just laughed. Bella is so precious.
I love the flowers in my yard too, but I wouldn't treasure them at all if I couldn't share them. You can't imagine how often I wish I could pick a bunch and take them to family and friends I love. What good is anything, if you don't have loved ones to share them with?
"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.
May the people praise you O God; may all the people praise you.
May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the people justly and guide the nations of the earth.
May the people praise you, O God: may all the people praise you. Then the land will yield it's harvest and God, our God will bless us.
God will bless us and all the ends of the earth will fear him."
Psalm 67 (NIV)
I wish you could have seen what I saw yesterday out my office window. As I set there drinking my coffee, and looking over Internet mail; a little girl, walked by with her Momma. Her momma was pushing her baby sister in a stroller. Bella is a delightful, three year old, who loves flowers.
In my front yard there's a small "island" where an angel statue sits on a bench and some miniature roses grow. Every since Bella was just a baby she has loved those pink roses. As her parents pushed her in the stroller, Bella turned her little head as if she was memorizing every detail of those flowers.
Yesterday, Bella trailed behind her momma, clutching her baby doll. Suddenly her little legs turned around, and ran back to the pink rose bush. First, she sniffed them. Then one of those cute little chubby hands reached up to pick one.
"Bella, stop, come here right now!" Bella's little hand disappointingly and slowly went down. There she stood, just admiring all that pink. Reluctantly and soberly, she walked back to her momma.
I hate it that people feel like they shouldn't be in my yard.(But I still don't want other dogs pooping in my yard.) I'd rather neighbors and friends were comfortable enough to just walk up, and enjoy the flowers, like Bella did.Why is so much of the joy in life is taken from us in childhood? Shortly after that I picked Bella a whole bouquet of roses and gardenias from my yard and took them to her house.
Her little eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as she said, "Oh wow!" Then she hugged her momma and said, "I love flowers." We just laughed. Bella is so precious.
I love the flowers in my yard too, but I wouldn't treasure them at all if I couldn't share them. You can't imagine how often I wish I could pick a bunch and take them to family and friends I love. What good is anything, if you don't have loved ones to share them with?
"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.
May the people praise you O God; may all the people praise you.
May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the people justly and guide the nations of the earth.
May the people praise you, O God: may all the people praise you. Then the land will yield it's harvest and God, our God will bless us.
God will bless us and all the ends of the earth will fear him."
Psalm 67 (NIV)
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