"How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of of our God because of you? Night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you again and supply what is lacking in your faith." 1 Thessalonians 3:9&10(NIV)
I can't wait to see some of you again in Michigan! Lord willing, we'll be there the second week of June. Some we'll see at Stanton Baptist or Lincoln Ave. :)
Thank you all, for your patience with me, as I studied for the college entrance exam. Some of you prayed that I would pass, thank you, I passed.Mark has been so patient and good during all of this. He has helped me around the house, and tried to keep himself busy, and happy most of the time.
I will begin classes in early July. I thanked God almost all the way to Athens yesterday. What a wonderful life he has taken me through so far! As the pieces of the puzzle come together it is awesome to see how He puts all the mysteries of life together. If it were left to me I'd look at all the pieces and say, "No Way-I can't!" But God does supply all our needs according to His great riches in Christ Jesus!
Timing seems to be the key, in almost everything that has happened. For example, if had I finished school when I should have, we would have never been blessed with Michael and Heidi.
The doctor who delivered Heidi left the placenta in me. After several D&C surgeries, I was still full of infection. A gynecologist removed my uterus. It was full of precancer cells, but I would have never known without it being removed.
Five years latter I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus. That doctor said I would be dead before my 35Th birthday. On Sunday I will celebrate my 48Th birthday.:) Doctors are not my God.
My son, Michael is back in college now pursuing his engineering dream. He's married to a very nice lady, we all adore. They live in South Carolina. They seem happy and healthy!
Heidi graduated from college. She's serving in Rome Italy, until October 2010. After that, only God knows where she'll go; she truly is my world traveler. She enjoys going to new places, and making friends with new friendly faces.
In between marriage and family God has blessed my life with so many awesome opportunities. I've worked as a teachers aide for both handicapped and gifted students. They taught me so much about life and love. I was a substitute teacher in Louisiana. I taught everything from kindergarten to twelfth grade English, which was my favorite.
As a realtor in Georgia, I have had a blast. I met and worked with so many wonderful clients and agents. Every day there was someone, or something new. Real Estate laws continually evolve, so there were very few "boring days."
Then, I wrote the book, "Let's Really Live before we Die!" Which was an interesting, enlightening experience. After it was published last July, I thoroughly enjoyed book signings and a few speaking engagements. It was wonderful to meet new friends, and share stories about life.
It amazes me the way God has turned even the worst things in my life, like Crohn's disease, for His Glory and good. I love how he pulls me closer in the midst of the storms of life.We have an awesome Savior who really loves us more than anyone ever could. God continually provides mentally, physically and spiritually, in spite of my weakness and short comings. No one could ever take care of my needs the way my God does! God has blessed me beyond my wildest imagination.
In His Time He makes All things Beautiful! Again and Again my friends! There is an awesome peace and release in surrendering to His Will. :)
"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. Psalm 62:5-8
My daughter Heidi left little notes to Mark and me before she left on her two year assignment. She is so thoughtful in so many ways. The verse below was written on the last note I found a few weeks ago.
"If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.
I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life. Psalm 119:92&93(NIV)
God is the giver of both physical and spiritual life. Our days are not measured in the length of days we are given, but by the depth of love we have for God and others. Short lives can make big strides, when given to God. :)
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